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Above knee

Above knee

At Beast Prosthetics we understand the fit of a socket is essential to the comfort and mobility of a user. If the socket isn’t comfortable or does not provide you with the stability you require it is effectively useless. Our experienced prosthetists will work with you to create the perfect socket solution ensuring you are happy with the style of socket as well as the suspension method. We are able to make your socket out of a range of materials depending on your requirements.


There are two main types of sockets for above knee (transfemoral) prosthetics (Quadrilateral and Ischial containment) however our prosthetists are always on the lookout for new methods.

Quadrilateral sockets

Quadrilateral sockets uses opposing forces to hold the residual limb in position, ensuring the ischial tuberosity remains upon the seating area on the posterior of the socket. Those with lower activity levels and/or longer residual limbs are more suited to using a quadrilateral socket.

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Ischial containment sockets

Ischial containment sockets contain the ischium within the socket, this works to support the ischium and ramus medially as well as holding the femur in position. This creates a bony lock helping to provide greater control within the socket. Ischial containment sockets are suitable for a wide variety of users including those who are very active and/or have short and fleshy residual limbs.

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Suspension methodsBespoke to you

There are many different types of suspension methods which our experienced prosthetists are able to advise you upon.


Suction sockets combine the socket and suspension method by using negative pressure and muscle contraction. No additional suspension method is required with the use of a suction socket which results in a more cosmetic appearance. Due to the need for total surface contact between the residual limb and the socket users with volume fluctuation would be unable to make use of a suction socket.

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Elastic suspension belts

Elastic suspension belts are made of fabric and are attached to the prosthesis, the user wears the belt around their pelvis. This simple method is highly adjustable and can be used where the user experiences volume fluctuation.

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Silicone self suspension

Silicone self suspension is a roll on liner which is worn within a socket. The liner is required to be worn with a total contact socket and is secured using either a lanyard or shuttlelock and pin system. Silicone suspension provides a high level of suspension making it ideal for users who are very active.

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payment options

We offer free initial prosthetic assessments to those who intend to self fund their treatment or to those who wish to gain an estimate for costs so that they can apply for funding.

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We have extensive experience in collaborative working with other individuals and groups, if you would like to find out more information about the services we can provide for your client please contact us today by calling 0161 660 9282, emailing or by completing the following form.

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